By BIZIMANA Jean Damascène*

Kigali: On April 16, 1994, the criminal government continued to implement its genocidal plan to exterminate Tutsi throughout the country. The National Commission to Combat Genocide (CNLG) continues to recall the highlights of the genocide, how it was implemented on a daily basis, and below how it was carried out across the country, on April 16, 1994.

We also publish the massacres of Tutsi in the Nyamata region which were perpetrated on April 15 to 16 april 1994.


After the death of president Habyarimana on 6th/04/1994, on 07th/4/1994, the Tutsi in Nyamata started to flee to different places, some of them tried to fight back against the attacks but were overpowered by the perpetrators. Most of them fled to kayumba hill, According to Gatarayiha Justin : On 9th, 10th, the tutsi at kayumba tried to defend themselves and the interahamwe were forced to withdraw their attacks and infact some of them were injured, finaly the interahamwe  sought for assistance from Gako that Inkotanyi have occupied kayumba bushy hill, on 11th at around 11a.m it is when a combined attack of interahamwe and soldiers from Gako landed in from the buses.

The tutsi at Kayumba, those who managed to survive descended to the grounds infront of former kanzenze commune, at around 3pm, the then bourgoumaster Gatanazi came  and told the tutsi that : « Better remove your dirt infront of the commune,they replied him saying they dont have where to go, he then told them that wherever they will go,they shall be killed. »

One of the perpetrators called Leopord also says that since morning they were killing the tutsi on the roads, then they heard gunshots from kayumba hill, it was the soldiers shooting the tutsi who had fled there.The survivors went to the commune and then to the catholic church, Leopord continues to say that he got a machete from home heading to Nyamata centre near the market from where he met with one of the tutsi who had survived from kayumba and he chopped him from the shoulder.

Julienne continues to say that : after the speech of bourgumester, Then the police men started shooting at them, the tutsi started running towards the church. Reaching there they found the church closed, the white priest refused to open for them saying that at Rilima the tutsi were killed in their compound, some of the tutsi started to climb the priests’ fence falling inside.At around 5pm the priest decided to open the church and the people entered. They were many to the extent that men and the youth gave room (left the church) to the women and children to go inside while they remained outside. others also went to the priest’s compound commonly known as centre pastoral.

On 12th those with children were given rice to cook, as they were preparing to feed the childrenat around 10a.m they were attacked by interahamwe for around 30minutes, throwing grenades and shooting at them, some died, others got injured, after the killers left all cooking pans upside down. On 13th the tutsi organised them selves and started cooking, also the interahamwe raided an attack on them at around mid day,which also lasted for about 30 minutes, they shot the herdsmen (shepherds) around the cemetery,they threw grenades at the church and some tutsi died while others got injured,cooking  pans of not ready food were overturned. On that date 13th there arrived the tutsi escorted by Soldiers from kanazi. On 14th  other tutsis arrived from Maranyundo,and some were among those who had survived from Rebero hill. On that date 14th again it is when the white priests left Nyamata.

 According to what Kayitare explains, on15th, it was on Friday,it is when they were attacked by soldiers from Gako,interahamwe had put on uniforms made from ibitenge,and the local people had put on banana leaves to differentiate themselves from those to be killed.some came from the road aside the cemetery and others came from the road passing through Nyamata catholic school and surrounded the tutsi it was at around 11a.m, the soldiers shot first, the tutsi men first defended them selves by throwing stones at them,later they got tired and entered the church,and the killers followed them and started to fire tear gas,throwing grenades,they broke into the door because some tutsi men had held the door resisting the perpetrators from entering,then the interahamwe blew whistles and together with the hutus entered with machetes and clabs with nails, killed up to 4pm,they were also women and girl hutus who removed clothes from the corps as well as checking from the pockets of the corps whether there had money.

On 16th the killings continued at the centre pastoral, the perpetrators arrived at around 2pm, Tutsi men who had resisted were striked by wood pieces, the soldiers and interahamwe threw grenades to them and most of them died, then they broke the gate entered, chopped those inside and left at 6pm. It is on 16th again that also the tutsi who had fled to the sisters in sister Agnes Maternity were killed.

On 17th, the interahamwe returned announcing that those still alive should get out that there is peace and they have come to take them home,those still alive came outside and made them sit at compound and then finished them off.   On this date of 17th it is also when they had brought a caterpillar to dig holes behind the church where they could throw the corps because they had started smelling badly, those who were carrying the corps included the prisoners putting on black uniforms.

After the finishing off of the victims, the killers said they will never kill the half dead people again, rather they would take them and throw them in the pits alive claiming that carrying corps is tiresome, because they used wood and most of the corps had rotten and smelling badly, and some parts of the dead  body remains on the wooden handles.

Currently more than 45000 tutsis are burried in  Nyamata genocide memorial site including more than 10.000 who were killed in the church and its surroundings and those from different places including Mayange, Rebero,Maranyundo,Kayumba,Kanazi,Murama,Mwogo and other places.


The convicted :

Gasana Jauma (sous-prefet Kanazi, Mageragere prison), Gatanazi Bernard (Bourgumestre  Kanzenze, died), Bizimana Jean de la Croix (director Nyamata primary school, died), Ntambara (policier Kanzenze), Rwarakabije Bernard, militia ; Pasteur Uwinkindi (transferred in Rwanda by ICTR), Nzarora Laurent (reservist), Wacawaseme (DRIVER Kanzenze Commune), Niyibizi Cleophas (conseiller Kanazi sector), Rwamwaga militia died in DRC, Habiyambere Emmanuel businesman he is in prison, Joseph  Bitero, Habiyambere businesman he is in prison, Segaruka militia in prison, Mbarushimana Canisius, Ndayisaba Emanuel, Munyakazi he is in prison, Martin Bakundinkwano agronome in prison, Gahigi, Karekezi in Ririma prison, Kabano businessman died in DRC, Gategambeba died in Rilima prison, Munyakazi he is in Rilima prison.


Karerangabo Vincent he is in DRC, Ngombwa Gervais businesmann he is in USA, Janvier agent MINITRAPE, Nsengiyumva Emmanuel (businesmann he is in Malawi), Habiyambere Emanuel, Bicamumpaka, Mazuru, Sekanani, Sebera straton, Kijyambere Vincent, Hamenyimana Brigadier of Kanzenze Commune.

2)      The slaughter of Tutsis at Mugonero/Karongi

During the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, Mugonero was a major Seventh Day Adventist establishment that contained a church, a hospital, and a branch of the Adventist Nurses Higher institution. The church was led by the head Pastor, Elizaphan Ntakirutimana, and his son Gerard NTAKIRUTIMANA who was the Director of Mugonero Hospital.  Most of Tutsis who had taken refuge there were from Gishyita, Gisovu and Rwamatamu Communes.

Tutsis started to flee to church from April 8, 1994. On April 15, 1994 Pastor NTAKIRUTIMANA Elizaphan together with the gendarmes who had ensured security of the area attended a meeting at the Pefecture office and returned back around seven in the evening. Some of the gendarmes informed Tutsis that the meeting attended was about to exterminate them on the Sabbath of April 16, 1994.

Among the people who got the information, there were Tutsi Pastors who immediately wrote a letter to the Head Pastor Ntakirutimana requesting him to protect Tutsi refugees and to avoid shedding their blood on Sabbath.  They also requested him to talk with Gishyita Mayor SIKUBWABO Charles on the issue as they were very close and the latter’s father was also a Pastor at Mugonero church. In his indifferent response, Pastor Elizaphan NTAKIRUTIMANA told them that there is nothing he can do about it as it had been already decided to kill them.

On April 16, 1994 from eight am to 1 pm, Tutsis tried to resist the attacks of Interahamwe until the latter called for support from Kibuye military camp.

The soldiers came to support Interahamwe and gendarmes with many weapons and hence defeated Tutsis and started killing those who were at the hospital, the church as well as in the nurses’ school. Those who headed the attacks include: Dr KAYISHEMA Clement the Kibuye Prefect, the Mayor SIKUBWABO Charles, Pastor NTAKIRUTIMANA Elizaphan, Dr NTAKIRUTIMANA Gerard, a businessman RUZINDANA Obed and many more.

The Mayor entered in the church and requested Hutu women who had married Tutsi men to get out and 2 women got out leaving their children behind.

On the Sabbath day, killers entered the church and shoot with guns, threw grenades on Tutsis and many of them died others were very injured. They continued to kill Tutsis who were hiding in the hospital and in the school including students.

3)      The massacre of Tutsis in St Jean Catholic Church / Karongi

During 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, many Tutsis were massacred at Kibuye Catholic church and at Home Saint Jean.  Approximately 11,400 Tutsis from the former Gitesi, Mabanza, Gisovu and Gishyita communes had taken refuge there.

Many Tutsis arrived at the church on Tuesday April 12, 1994 and on Thursday April 14, 1994, they were really hungry. Kibuye Parish Priest SENYENZI went to inform the Mayor of Gitesi called KARARA Augustin with the purpose of requesting him for nourishment and security for Tutsi refugees but in vain.

The then Prefect KAYISHEMA Clément wrote a letter to Father SENYENZI and Mayor KARARA imposing them to send all Tutsis who were in the church to Gatwaro Stadium to ensure their maximum protection. However, Father SENYENZI requested them to stay at the church.

The President of Kibuye Court of first instance MIHIGO Juvenal told his Tutsi close friend Joachim RUGABAGABA to flee because the plan to kill them was being prepared. The latter was a Tutsi who was living with Father SENYENZI. He flew but Father SENYENZI reminded him that he shouldn’t leave behind other Tutsi considering that he was taken as a God-chosen shepherd meant to sacrifice for others. 

Tutsis who had taken refuge at Home Saint Jean were sustained by a Belgian lady called Emma who worked at the Home as a manager.  When she went outdoor, she gathered news and informed Father SENYENZI on the plan of exterminating Tutsis who had taken refuge there. She was later tortured by Interahamwe by beating her, destroying her house and burning her car at Home Saint Jean saying that she helped Tutsis. She was evacuated by Belgian Embassy through United Nations Mission in Rwanda (UNAMIR) and she was very saddened by leaving behind helpless Tutsi refugees who had taken refuge at Home Saint Jean.

On April 12, 1994, the water tank located in Kibuye Military Camp through which Refugees at Home Saint Jean acquired water was shut down.  Many meetings at Gitesi Commune led by the Mayor KARARA Augustin, RUSEZERA Innocent, KAYIHURA Bernard and others were held to arrange their killing. 

On Saturday April 16, 1994 men and young boys who had taken refuge at the church successfully counterattacked approximately 100 Interahamwe and other killers who had come to kill them.

After being defeated on that day, they held other meetings for reorganization and came back on Sunday April 17, 1994. This time the attacks were composed of armed soldiers, gendarmes, prison guards and Interahamwe with guns, grenades, machetes and many other weapons. 

Kibuye Prefect KAYISHEMA Clément came at the church and told killers that he had been instructed to kill all Tutsis and authorized them to start the killing.

The attacks started with gun shoots outside the church and in the church after everyone had entered the church. Soldiers from the nearby Military camp on Gatwaro Hill also started to fire bombs at the church as well tear gas.  Many Tutsis were killed that day including Father SENYENZI Boniface who was shot dead and others who were at Home Saint Jean.

RUKUNDO Emmanuel who led Interahamweinstructed them to enter in the church and start stabbing those who were still breathing with machetes and children were piled under dead bodies in agony.

Women and girls were raped before being killed and their clothes were taken away by killers like they did for men. Babies were sucking the breasts of their dead mothers. Interahamwe were deployed on the shore lines of Lake Kivu to prevent any Tutsi escape or to go and drink water from the lake as the area is surrounded by the Lake except the pathway to the church only. After the killing, the authorities and Red Cross collected the bodies and threw them in the mass graves already prepared. 

4)      Massacre of Tutsi in Rukumberi

Rukumberi is one of the sectors of the former Sake commune in Kibungo prefecture. Being bordered by Mugesera and Sake lakes as well as Akagera river, made it easier for Interahamwe to exterminate more than 35.000 Tutsis who lived there. Inkotanyi were only able to save approximately 700 Tutsis including those who were very injured.

The massacre of Tutsis in Rukumberi started on the morning of April 7, 1994 in Ntovi Cell. Due to the huge number of Tutsis who lived there, they tried to resist at first. Interahamwe and municipal policemen comprising of Butoyi, Ignace and Uwimana had carried guns with but did not manage to kill many Tutsis on that day. They only killed two families of teachers specifically Nyiramuroli Elisabeth and that of Ntaganda Celestin who was the Director of Rwintashya Primary School. 

On April 8, 1994, interahamwe came from Sake commune equipped with traditional weapons, the municipal police led by Mayor Ernest Rutayisire and the Member of Parliament (MP) Mutabaruka Sylvain met with Birindabagabo Jean Paul who had brought the army with and they were all gathered at Rwintashya ADPER church. The church was located in Rukumberi sector and many Tutsis especially ADPER supporters had taken refuge in the church busy praying with a Tutsi Pastor called Yaramba. Birindabagabo who was also a member of the church gunshot the door and entered the church to launch the massacre and immediately shot dead Pastor Yaramba at the altar.  Interahamwe started to throw grenades among the Tutsis and whoever tried to escape was sliced with machetes by Interahamwe who had fenced the church.  On that day, over 1800 Tutsis were killed.

On April 10, 1994, the Mayor of Sake commune Ernest Rutayisire, the MP Mutabaruka Sylvain and Birindabagabo Jean Paul brought back interahamwe in Rukumberi, Ntovi Cell. On that day, they came  along with Burundian refugees who were camping at sake commune to help in the killing. Many Tutsis were massacred that day within their hiding places especially in sorghum plantations.  When the killers reached the home of Ruhumuriza, they killed more than 200 Tutsis who had taken refuge there especially women and others less energetic who could not run. 

On April 11, 1994, Mutabaruka, Rutayisire and Birindabagaho called for help of the army from Kibungo military camp, they said the Tutsis of Rukumberi are tough to exterminate as they were mixed with inyenzi-Cockroaches (as they termed Inkotanyi). They were provided with approximately 4 buses full of soldiers equipped with several war equipments and that was the extermination of Rukumberi Tutsis, destruction of houses using bombs and others mass killing weapons.  

On April 11, 1994, the attackers killed many Tutsis who had taken refuge in the chapel of a teacher Gasarasi Osée which they also set on fire afterwards.  Twahirwa François from Rukumberi who worked in the Ministry of labour appeared in the attacks and was supervising how the massacre was being carried out. 

On April 16, 1994, Rukumberi Tutsis were weakened by daily attacks, the one of 16 April, 1994 aimed at wiping out possible survivor as assumed by Mutabaruka the MP. On that date, Mugesera Lake connecting Sake, Mugesera and Bicumbi was very busy with Interahamwe ships from Mugesera and Bicumbi to provide support in extermination of Rukumberi Tutsis.  Interahamwe exposed and killed all Tutsis even those who were hiding in the papyrus swamps and in sorghum plantations.

On that day, Tutsis were helpless and many of them decided to throw themselves in water fearing to be tortured. In addition, many Tutsis especially women, children and elder people were gathered at the home of a Tutsi called Mushoza. The attack led by MP Mutabaruka and the army killed all Tutsis who were there and Hutu women accompanied killers to take away victims’ belongings especially clothes.

After that attack, MP Mutabaruka Sylvain set up seats in the center of road and placed beer order to celebrate the extermination of Rukumberi. Over 10,000 Tutsis from Rukumberi sector were massacred on that day.

During the subsequent days, killers continued to come and had to cut sorghum plantations all over Rukumberi to deprive any possible hiding place for possible surviving Tutsi.  Other Tutsis were killed in the houses like Cyabatende Mariyana’s, Nyagasaza’s and other homes where less energetic Tutsi like children, women and injured people who couldn’t run were left inside houses.

Sorgum and banana plantations were cut down to deprive any hiding from Tutsis. If RPF- Inkotanyi soldiers had not arrived on May 5, 1994, there wouldn’t had been any survivor in Rukumberi since Interahamwe had decided to burn down the papyrus plantation after sorghum and banana plantations were concluded.

Some of the serial killers in Rukumberi were: The Deputy Mayor Albert from Jarama, Sake, the Inspector Bizimana Andre, a policeman called Butoyi, a driver of Rukoma health Center Dorisi, Gapfizi and Gasirabo Twaha who were businessmen and the latter owned a car that transported Interahamwe at the killing sites. 

There was also a teacher called Habimana Edward, Mugwato cell leader Habyalimana, a soldier Hadigi, who is not yet arrested and lives in Kimisagara-Nyabugogo, Harerimana Ezechiel who was a teacher, Hategekimana Gaspard a businessman at Rubona market.

Additionally, Sake commune Brigadier called Ignace, Isidoli: the driver of Sake commune, a businessman called Kagorora, a teacher called Kamanzi Stanislas and Kampayana Cyprien the former leader of Sholi sector who replaced the Mayor whenever he was not around were also included.

Furthermore, a teacher called Rusatsi, Karegeya Augustin Interahamwe President in Sake commune   who currently lives in USA as informed by Semuhungu from Sake.  Kiruguya, a Burundian leading the refugee camp, Mabeyi son of Rulinda, Misago: the vice president of Interahamwe in  Sake commune who lives in Malawi, Mugabushaka Innocent, the former Sake tax collector, the reserve force Munyankwiro, Ngendahimana Jeremiah who was the in charge of Rwintashya school participated.

Nizeyimana Augustin: a businessman whose car transported Interahamwe at the killing sites who currently lives in Malawi, Nkezabera and Nzabagumira who were businessmen, Rurinda, the former Rukongi Cell leader, Rutuku who led the attacks from Bicumbi via Mugesera Lake, Rwabuzisoni Ladislas who hosted meetings, Rwasibo who was a businessman and Shirimpaka who was a businessman in Gafunzo. 

Last but not least, Turatsinze: Nizeyimana’s driver, a lady called Mariyamu, Uwimana, the municipal police and Yeremiya the former teacher who run-away from Gacaca were the key organisers of the massacre.

5)      The Massacre of Tutsis in Rwamagana

TURATSINZE Francois the former leader of Kigabiro Sector in Rwamagana guaranteed security to many Tutsis who had taken refuge at his home and they were later killed.  Also many small children were killed there after snatching them from their mothers and throw them alive in the toilet.  This was monitored by the Mayor of Rutonde commune Bizimana Jean Baptiste. Tutsis who were in Rwamagana Hospital (patients and their guards as well others who had taken refuge there from Rwamagana city) were all killed.

Tutsis who had taken refuge at Groupe Scolaire St Aloys from Rwamagana, Nyarusange, Gishali and Mwurire were all killed. The leading killers includes: NKUNDABAKURU a.k.a Nkunda, Karorishoti, the former Rwikubo sector leader, Munyambo and gendarmes from Rwamagana gendarmery.

Aproximately 3000 Tutsis were killed at the shore lines of Muhazi Lake in Muhazi Sector of Rwamagana. Naked tutsis were escorted to die by Interahamwe at the same time hitting them and chopping their heels   with machetes till they were thrown in Muhazi Lake. Mothers who carried their babies at the back were thrown alive in Muhazi to drown. Others were knotted with heavy stones and thrown in water to drown deep whether alive or dead. 

Those who had taken refuge at “Bitare bya Rutonde hill” fought with Interahamwe from April 12 to April 15 as they were many from various areas and were defeated and killed on April 16, 1994 with very few survivors left. The leading Interahamwe were Mugwaneza; a policeman, Habiyakare, Ruhatana, Sibomana, Rusatsi, Ntihabose, Mudaheranwa and many others.


Since 7/4 Tutsis were massacred, the killings have continued in the following days. The genocidal government continued to incite genocide, moving to all corners of the country. The aim was to execute the extermination plan that existed long before the genocide. (End).

* BIZIMANA Jean Damascène is the Executive Secretary National Commission for the Fight Against Genocide (CNLG)