Rwanda accuses DRC army of entering in the No Man’s Land

Rwanda accuses DRC army known as FARDC (Forces Démocratiques de la RDC) of entering in the No Man’s Land between the two countries  

“On Wednesday morning at 4h30, FARDC forces estimated to be about one section (12 to 14 soldiers) entered the No Man’s Land between Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) bordering Rusizi District in Western Province, and opened fire at Rwandan border post”, says the Rwandan Ministry of Defense in a statement.

“Our security forces responded and FARDC soldiers withdrew. At 0554hrs, FARDC forces visited the scene and cleaned up the area. There were no casualties on the Rwanda side and the situation is calm”, adds the Statement.

The RDF (Rwanda Defense Forces) has requested the Expanded Joint verification Mechanism and the Ad Hoq Verification Mechanism to investigate this act of provocation. (End)