Deputy Police Chief Ujeneza receives delegation from Zambia

The Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIGP) in charge of Administration and Personnel, DCG Jeanne Chantal Ujeneza received at Rwanda National Police RNP General Headquarters in Kacyiru, a delegation from various public institutions in Zambia.

The delegation headed by Mwata Sekeseke, the National Coordinator-Improved rural Connectivity Project in the Ministry of Infrastructure, visited the RNP mainly to benchmark its road traffic management and particularly on the use of technology in road traffic related services.

DIGP Ujeneza thanked them for visiting Rwanda and the RNP in particular.

Discussions focused on use of technology in road safety, including use of speed enforcement cameras, body worn cameras; as well as technology in automobile inspection services and testing and licensing.

Sekeseke said it is always good for African countries to learn from each other adding that Rwanda is a perfect example due to its milestone in security and use of technology.

“Rwanda has made remarkable progress in the use of technology and traffic and road safety is one of those areas where we believe Zambia can benefit,” said Sekeseke.

The delegation will also visit different RNP departments and units responsible for road traffic management, including the department of Traffic and Road Safety, department of Testing and Licensing, and Automobile Inspection Centre. (End)