RDF spokesperson engage RICA students on preserving Rwanda’s progress

Bugesera: On behalf of the Chief of Defence Staff, the Defence and Military Spokesperson, Brig Gen Ronald Rwivanga, addressed students of Rwanda Institute for Conservation Agriculture (RICA) in Bugesera. His lecture focused on the crucial task of maintaining Rwanda’s significant accomplishments and nurturing a sense of unity among the nation’s youth.

The lecture, titled “RPA’s Role in Liberating the Country in 1994: How Today’s Youth Can Sustain What Has Been Achieved,” was particularly timely as Rwanda celebrates the 30th anniversary of Liberation Day.

Brig Gen Rwivanga urged the students to be active participants in shaping Rwanda’s future, reminding them that their actions today would lay the foundation for a prosperous and peaceful tomorrow. He also highlighted that the studies pursued by the students at RICA are one of the valuable contributions that the youth can make to sustain these achievements.

“Wherever we operate, it is the youth who are now carrying out our commands. I have no doubt that the future is bright. We owe our success to the young men and women in uniform, as they are the ones ensuring the peace we enjoy today,” said Brig Gen Rwivanga.

Dr. Ronald Rosati, Vice Chancellor of the Rwanda Institute for Conservation Agriculture (RICA), stated that the lecture delivered an important message to the students, prompting them to reflect on their responsibilities. He added that it is crucial to remember that the legacy of Rwanda’s success lies in their hands.

The Rwanda Institute for Conservation Agriculture (RICA) is an innovative higher education institution established by The Howard G. Buffett Foundation in partnership with the Government of Rwanda. RICA combines research, education, and extension to train Rwanda’s next generation of leaders in agriculture, while supporting Rwanda’s national priorities for agricultural development.  (End)