President Kagame attended a luncheon hosted by Singapore Senior Minister

Today at The Istana in Singapore, President Kagame attended a luncheon hosted by Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong. 

The two leaders exchanged on various issues including global affairs, and the impact of technology on development. 

They also discussed the productive economic partnership and the resulting tangible benefits for the people of Rwanda and Singapore.

President Kagame is in Singapore for the 11th annual Asia Summit.  Themed “Impactful Ideas: Purposeful Action,” the Summit is an opportunity for leaders in government and in business, finance, health, technology, and philanthropy to explore untapped opportunities to improve health and well-being, engender sustainable practices, enhance competitiveness, and activate more impactful investments for people and the planet.

The 2024 Asia Summit is a unique platform where leading entrepreneurs can connect with people whose expertise, creativity, and passion are transforming health, finance, business, technology, philanthropy, and society. (End)

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