Senate commended the budget revision priorities

The Senate’s Plenary session approved its opinion on the draft law amending the law determining the state finances for the fiscal year 2024/2025 and commended the continued high growth of the national economy in 2024.  

Senators also noted that the additional budget is allocated according to priority categories, focusing on accelerating economic development, social welfare, and good governance.

The distribution of the revised budget focuses on key areas including among others, government subvention for Chemical fertilizers and improved seeds, livelihoods for children placed in rehabilitation centres, works of Road Base-Butaro-Kidaho and capital contributions.

Senators hailed the Government effort for the execution of the budget approved in June 2024 already used at a rate of 65% from July to December 2024, which gives confidence that the entire budget will be executed as planned.

According to the law, the Senate submits its opinions to the Chamber of Deputies regarding the draft law that determines state finances. The Chamber of Deputies takes the Senate’s opinions into account when adopting the law. (End)

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