Commonwealth Secretary-General arrives in Tanzania ahead of first meeting with President Hassan

Tanzanian Foreign Affairs Minister, Liberata Mulamula (Left) with the Secretary-General of the Commonwealth, Patricia Scotland QC.

The Secretary-General of the Commonwealth, The Rt. Hon. Patricia Scotland QC, arrived today in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania where she will be conducting her first official visit to Tanzania since President Samia Suluhu Hassan’s inauguration.

The Secretary-General will be in the country from 4th May to 7th May 2022 and is conducting bilateral meetings with several senior government officials whilst she is in Tanzania.

On her arrival in the country, Secretary-General Scotland was met by Tanzania’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Liberata Mulamula.

Greeting the Minister, Secretary-General Scotland she said:

“I am so glad to be back in Tanzania, a country I hold close to my heart. I also very much look forward to my first meeting with President Samia Suluhu Hassan and discussing crucial issues such as next month’s Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM 2022), the blue economy, revitalising tourism, covid recovery, climate, the cost of living crisis, youth, health and more.”

Minister Liberata Mulamula said to Secretary-General Scotland:

“I thank you and commend you for the work that you are doing for the Secretariat and the work that you’re doing for Commonwealth Member States.” (End)