Europe Day 2023: “Europe Day is an opportunity to celebrate European unity and solidarity, and our partnership with Rwanda” – Ambassador Belen Calvo Uyarra

European Union in Kigali yesterday evening celebrated Europe Day focused on European unity and solidarity, and partnership with Rwanda, according to the Ambassador and Head of Delegation of the European Union to Rwanda, Belen Calvo Uyarra. Read her Speech below: 

Murakaza Neza! Bienvenidos. A very warm welcome to all! 

•I am very happy to welcome you tonight to this Europe Day 2023 celebration, for the first time at the Residence of my dear Belgium colleague and friend – Ambassador Versmessen. While we complete the works at the EU Residence, I am so grateful for your invitation to host us on behalf of the EU family in Rwanda, the same way Belgium hosts our EU institutions in Brussels.  

Ambassador Belen Calvo Uyarra, Head of Delegation of the European Union to Rwanda

•This is a very special Europe Day for me, since it is my first Europe Day in my capacity as Europe Union Ambassador and in Rwanda. I first need to thank Minister Biruta, the Government and the people of Rwanda that have made me feel at home from my very first day in the country. I also want to thank all of you here present, for been part of my journey in the past nine months, but more importantly, for been part of the fabric of the EU Rwanda partnership. Thank you all for joining me, my colleagues at the EU Delegation, my fellow EU Ambassadors and my husband, in our celebration tonight. 

•I feel honoured to serve in this beautiful country and it has been a great pleasure for me to take the baton from my predecessor Nicola Bellomo, and continue developing the strong partnership between the EU and Rwanda. 

In the months I have been here, I have had the pleasure to explore the beauty of the country and to appreciate the vision, the ambition and the determination of the leadership and the people of Rwanda to not only setting priorities but to implement and deliver. The European Union is proud to be part of this journey in a spirit of partnership and open dialogue. 

•A rainy night like tonight is a reminder of the devastating floods and landslides that hit Rwanda, taking the life of 131 persons and causing damage to many more. We offer our condolences to the families of the victims, our thoughts are with those affected. The EU stands ready to help. 

•Europe Day is an opportunity to celebrate European unity and solidarity, and to recall what makes the European Union project so unique. The European Union was built on the ashes of a war in Europe. 73 years a go, our founding fathers led the ground for the European project in the Schuman Declaration : they had the vision to pool resources, and turn towards the future, working together to build a space of peace, security and prosperity for the people on the continent, and beyond. Today, Europe continues to look into the future to build a green Europe, digital and competitive; fair and skilled, as well as strong, resilient and safe. 

•In Europe, the last year has been overshadowed by a continued war. We are shaken by the Russian aggression against Ukraine, which completely ignores and violates the very democratic ideas and foundations of the European Union. We condemn Russia’s military aggression in strongest terms, we will continue to stand with Ukraine in its self-defence (VDL today in Kiev), and to work towards a rules based world rather than a power based world.

•Europe Day is also an opportunity to celebrate our partnership with Rwanda, and remind us of what brings us together. The EU and Rwanda we hold likeminded positions with respect to many of the global challenges that the international community faces today. Let me just mention the response to the COVID pandemic, the fight against climate change, protection of the environment and biodiversity, peace and security, the fight against terror, but also the need for a rules-based global order, UN reform or Sustainable development goals. Against this background, we have been able to develop our partnership over the last years in a remarkable way, from a development partnership towards a more mature political relationship, what President Michel calls “a new software”: a  cooperation among equals, based on mutual interests, shared objectives and values, a relation based in trust and respect.

•Over the last year, we have expanded our bilateral partnership into new areas and new ways of doing business. 

(1) Our President Von der Layen and President Michel highlighted in their speeches at UNGA or in the continent, the EU partnership with Rwanda on manufacturing and access to vaccines, medicines and health technologies in Africa (MAV+). The EU is proud to accompany Rwanda in this journey, proving that it is possible to transform a great challenge into an opportunity for development and health equity in the continent. 

•(2) We have held first security and defence consultations with Rwanda in January, to explore ways of cooperating in promoting peace and security with one of the biggest troop’s contributors to the UN, but also at bilateral level. The EU and its Member States decided to provide financial support to the RDF operations in Mozambique, where you are assisting the Government in fighting international terrorism. 

•(3) As we mark the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we are also pleased we engage on a Justice policy dialogue with Minister of Justice, joining forces on shared values and the implementation Universal periodic review commitments.  

• (4) Trade and investment are increasingly at the centre of our agenda. The European Business Chamber is taking off, and contributing to expand the EU business footprint in Rwanda’s transformation agenda. In six weeks from now, on 26 and 27 June, we will be organising with RDB the first EU-Rwanda Business forum at the KCC, bringing together EU business, Rwanda Government, as well as potential local EU and Rwanda business partners. 

•(5) We are also proposing to develop our cooperation on Critical Raw Materials, contributing to the diversification of the EU’s supply chains in green and digital transitions, but also supports Rwanda’s ambitions to modernise its mining sector, promote minerals transformation and develop regional value chains.

•We continue to support Rwanda’s Strategy for Transformation and aspiration to become a Middle Income Country by 2035. We proudly continue to underpin the country’s agenda in promoting a climate smart agriculture transformation, sustainable urbanisation, education and skills development, entrepreneurship and economic governance, and finally justice, reconciliation and rule of law reforms.

•Over the last two years, the EU and Member States have changed our ways of working and we are seeking to implement our EU cooperation in a Team Europe approach. As Team

Europe we are stronger than the sum of the parts. True to our EU motto “Stronger Together”, we aim at having a greater transformational impact to benefit Rwanda’s Sustainable and Inclusive Development agenda. 

•This is also the spirit of the EU Global Gateway. The Global Gateway is the EU strategy and offer to promote sustainable and trusted connectivity around the world, and democratic values; to build closer links, not dependencies, with our partners, combining resources from EU institutions, member states and private sector.  

•In Rwanda, the EU is working collectively on a number of flagship initiatives under the Global Gateway: Manufacturing vaccines and medical equipment; Sustainable and inclusive green agriculture; Expansion pre-primary education; Sustainable Rwandan cities fit for the digital age (Nyabugogo bus station).  We are also exploring possibilities to support the railway corridors to the Indian Ocean. 

•To bring all these different pillars of our partnership together, we very much value the formal Political dialogue meeting that we held a month a go, with key Ministers. It reflects the mutual trust, but also the depth and breadth of our relationship. 

•Before I conclude, allow me to warmly thank the EU Ambassadors and my team for their commitment and daily work to make the EU a partner of choice, a trusted partner of Rwanda, its Government, civil society, economic, cultural and other stakeholders – all represented here tonight.  We aspire to build a strong partnership to address effectively global challenges and preserve the multilateral system, to increase bilateral trade and investment, to promote inclusive growth and sustainable development of Rwanda and to foster an inclusive, open and united society.

•I would also like to thank my husband for the constant support. colleagues for the hard work behind the scenes to make this evening possible, and our sponsors, who are providing us with Rwandan beer and water – SKOL – for their support. 

•But let me come to a close, as Europe Day is not for me to talk; but should be an occasion to celebrate, enjoy the artistic performances (thank you Kaya and Michael) – and finally to share food, drinks, conversation and each other’s company. 

•Please join me in a toast on this Europe Day to the partnership between the EU and Rwanda. (End)