IGP Dan Munyuza visits Rwanda Police contingents in South Sudan

The Inspector General of Police (IGP) Dan Munyuza, who is in South Sudan on an official visit, on Tuesday, June 8, visited Rwanda Formed Police Unit (FPU) contingents conducting their peacekeeping operations in the Juba, and commended them for the resilience in their ambassadorial duties.

Two contingents, FPU-2 and FPU-3 of 160 officers each, are deployed in the Capital Juba under the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), where they perform various peacekeeping duties such as patrols, escort, protection of civilians in IDP camps, humanitarian assistance as well as other community policing and human security activities for the local population and South Sudan Police.

Rwanda FPU-1 of 240 officers is deployed in Malakal, Upper Nile State. “I am happy to find you safe and healthy, and your country thanks you for your contribution towards restoring peace and security for the wellbeing of the people of South Sudan,” IGP Munyuza told the peacekeepers.

As some of them are nearing the end of their mission, he observed, the remaining period might seem to be challenging but urged them to maintain the discipline, teamwork, respect for superiors and to continue working well with the people of South Sudan until the very end when they will go back home after a successful tour-of-duty.

Rwanda and South Sudan, IGP Munyuza said, enjoy good relations in different sectors of security and development and that the two Head of States set a tone and line to follow.

“Even when you complete your peacekeeping mission, some of you might come back to serve in other capacities as part of the good relations and memorandum of understanding between Rwanda National Police and South Sudan National Police Service. Your being here should, therefore, strengthens this cooperation and collaboration,” IGP Munyuza said.

The two Police institutions signed a memorandum of understanding to partner in various areas of policing including the exchange of information and training in cyber and aviation security as well as other career, professional and academic courses.

South Sudan Police officers have previously attended cadet courses and other command courses, including the Police Senior and Junior Command and Staff Courses, in Rwanda.

“Always be mindful of what you stand for here; you are peacekeepers but also ambassadors. Uphold the values that define you as Rwandans and strive to raise the Rwandan flag higher,” IGP Munyuza told the officers.

He reminded them to take maximum precautionary measures against the pandemic of Coronavirus and in consideration of the new variant adding that complacency can be fatal. He urged them to maintain hygiene as well as cleanliness in their camps.

The Police Chief also explained to them on the security situation back home, which remains intact and the role RNP is playing in supporting the national efforts in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

IGP Munyuza also paid a courtesy call to UNMISS Police Commissioner, Madam Unaisi Bolatolu-Vuniwaqa and echoed Rwanda’s continued commitment to peace support operations.

Madam Vuniwaqa lauded Rwanda’s role in restoring peace and security in South Sudan. (End)