Residents of North-Central Kigali area (Batsinda Gisozi, Kagugu, Gacuriro and Nyarutarama) are set to access stable and clean water supply after Governments of Japan and Rwanda signed a grant deal worth US$ 22 million (approximately Frw 22 billion) to construct new water distribution networks and revamp old and leaky supply systems.
The project is set to be completed by April 2026 and is expected to provide a stable water supply through optimizing water pressures and reducing leakages by constructing and replacing water supply facilities in the North-Central Kigali area. It targets to service a population of about 175,000 by 2030 based on expected population increase, specifically in Gisozi, Kagugu, Gacuriro and Nyarutarama.
Key project works will include construction of distribution blocks to reduce physical losses in the water supply system, construction of 64 km distribution networks, and 70 km service connections. It will also see installation of pressure breaking equipment, construction of an elevated water reservoir tank of 500 m3 at Kagugu and a ground water reservoir of 1000 m3 at Batsinda. Upon completion the revamped water supply system will improve provision of water at the household level, and create additional water supply opportunities to new customers.
The Minister of Finance and Economic Planning Dr. Uzziel Ndagijimana noted that, “Water is a precious resource that supports human socio-economic development. As elaborated in our National Strategy for Transformation, the Government attaches great importance to the availability and provision of quality, reliable and affordable water to Rwandans. It is in this regard that we target universal access to water by 2024 ”.
IMAI Masahiro, Ambassador of Japan in Rwanda said, “As we celebrate 60th anniversary of friendship between Japan and Rwanda throughout this year, we are more determined to continue to work with the Government of Rwanda to improve access to water for the people of Rwanda which is stipulated in NST-1.”
“It is the sincere hope of the Government and the people of Japan that this Grant assistance will contribute to improve public health and living conditions of citizens in North-Central Kigali, and be used in an efficient and effective manner.” Ambassador IMAI concluded.
The project is one of the highest priority projects of the Water Supply Master Plan for the City of Kigali to meet increasing water demand. It is aligned with Sustainable Development Goals as well Government of Rwanda target to increase access to water by 100% by 2024. It will be a continuation of the ongoing Nzove-Ntora principal water supply transmission pipeline in the City of Kigali.
Japan has been supporting the Government of Rwanda in developing the water supply sector through JICA, mainly strengthening water supply infrastructure, non-revenue water reduction, and operation and maintenance of rural water supply systems through grant aid projects as well as technical cooperation and training for WASAC.(End)