Kagame, Jutta Urpilainen discussed EU-Rwanda partnership and DRC crisis

President Kagame met with Jutta Urpilainen, EU Commissioner for International Partnerships, on the sidelines of the Global Forum for Vaccine Sovereignty and Innovation. 

“With Paul Kagame we discussed the comprehensive EU-Rwanda partnership and GlobalGateway, including critical raw materials and transparent value chains. The situation in the Eastern DRC is of great concern. I emphasised EU  consistent support to the Luanda and Nairobi processes”, said Jutta Urpilainen in a post. 

 According to the Rwandan State House, the two leaders discussed ways to further strengthen the existing cooperation between Rwanda and the EU including the partnership for closer integration of raw materials value chains. 

They also shared views on global issues, including the need for a new paradigm of partnerships that prioritize strategic autonomy and mutually beneficial collaboration. (End)