Over 65 diaspora youth attend the third Rwanda Youth Tour

Today, Rwandan youth in the diaspora started the third edition of the Rwanda Youth Tour. 

The two-week tour aims at making young Rwandans living abroad re-discover Rwanda and its transformational journey while enjoying the country’s beautiful touristic attractions and vibrant culture.

The Minister of Youth Utumatwishima Abdallah officiated the opening ceremony of the tour attended by over 65 Rwandan youth from 15 countries. He urged them to learn about Rwanda’s history and the choice made by its leadership to develop it. He also highlighted the pillars of the Vision 2050.

Guillaume Kavaruganda, Director General in charge of Europe, Americas and International Organizations in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, encouraged the Rwandan Youth living abroad to be proud of Rwanda and  its leadership and actively participate in its development. (End)