Premier Ngirente met Rwanda’s Sovereign Fund board members

Premier Ngirente with Mr. Scott T. Ford (left) 

Today, Rwanda’s Prime Minister Dr. Edouard Ngirente met with the Board Chairman of Agaciro Development Fund, Mr. Scott T. Ford, and board members.

Prime Minister Dr. Edouard Ngirente and Rwanda’s Sovereign Fund board members discuss the Fund’s performance and its future plans. 

Agaciro Development Fund is Rwanda’s sovereign wealth fund that was initiated by Rwandans on 15-16 December 2011 at the 9th Umushyikirano (National Dialogue Council) chaired by President of Rwanda Paul Kagame.

Kagame advised Rwandans that all wealthy countries never achieved development through depending on other countries’ funding. And in 2012 when most donors cut budget support to Rwanda, the country knew it would survive through giving Rwandans the platform to contribute to Agaciro Development Fund.

While Bank Accounts were created in different Banks to facilitate contributions, mobile donations through SMS and contributing directly through the Agaciro Development Fund Website is allowed. (End)