President Kagame attended ALU’s 5th undergraduate graduation in Rwanda

President Kagame attended the African Leadership University(ALU), Rwanda conferment ceremony of over 400 students, ALU’s largest cohort of graduates, who received bachelor’s degrees in International Business & Trade, Computer Science, Global Challenges, and Entrepreneurial Leadership. It is the 5th undergraduate graduation in Rwanda. 

“You always have to be ready to adapt and to innovate. What matters at the end of the day, is that you believe in yourself and be consistent. With perseverance and hard work, you will achieve whatever you want to in life. Today, you reap the rewards of all your hard work. Be proud of everything you have accomplished. You deserve it.”, President Kagame said in his remarks at the ALU’s 5th Undergraduate Graduation.

Since its founding, ALU stays true to its mission of equipping a new generation of young African leaders to transform the African continent. Following its inaugural graduation in June 2019, this 5th undergraduate graduation is the continuation of this journey to educating 3 million African leaders by 2035. (End)