President Kagame meets a delegation from the UK Royal College of Defence

Today at Urugwiro Village, President Kagame interacted with a delegation from the Royal College of Defence studies of the United Kingdom(UK), led by Lt Gen (Rtd) Sir George Norton, the Commandant of the College. 

They discussed Rwanda’s history including the Genocide against the Tutsi and the military leadership that brought it to an end, Rwanda’s transformation journey in the last 30 years, key lessons learned and the country’s commitment to achieving socio-economic transformation.

The delegation is on a study tour in Rwanda from 14 to 19 May 2024. Their study tour includes visits to the RDF Command and Staff College, the Rwanda Peace Academy in Musanze, the Dallaire Institute for Children and Security, Rwanda Cooperation.

The delegation paid homage to the victims of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi at the Kigali Genocide Memorial and later visited the Campaign Against Genocide Museum.  (End)