RDF Medical Personnel and the Ministry of Health begin to treat 5000 cataract patients

Rulindo: Today at Rutongo District Hospital in Rulindo district, as part of the Defence and Security Citizen Outreach Programme 2024, Rwanda Defence Force Medical Personnel together with the Ministry of Health have launched a nationwide treatment of about 5,000 identified individuals afflicted with cataracts.

The screening phase started from 26 April to 2 May 2024 targeting individuals over 50 years old experiencing eye complications. This initiative is being carried out under the theme “Nanjye nirebere ibyiza u Rwanda rwagezeho mu myaka 30”.

While launching the medical activities, the Minister of Health Dr Sabin Nsanzimana stated that the Ministry is working with the RDF Medical Health Service to ensure these activities are undertaken throughout the year rather than periodically. We are seeking partners to support and sustain the initiative, enabling all health practitioners to take ownership and ultimately reduce the number of people waiting for surgeries or specialist visits. We aim to regularly reach out to individuals in their villages, as we have done this year,” he said.

RDF Military Health Service Chief of Staff, Maj Gen Dr Ephrem Rurangwa, stated that medical personnel are now reaching patients in their homes and health centers. “Previously, we were based at Rwanda Military Hospital, but now we have extended our services to health centers and villages. We should be proud that patients no longer need to come to Kigali to meet us,” he said.

RDF ophthalmologists initiated a nationwide eye care campaign to combat blindness in 2002 with just three ophthalmologists. Today, the RDF Medical Health Service has expanded to include approximately 28 ophthalmologists deployed countrywide.

This year’s Defence and Security Outreach Programme 2024 will encompass initiatives such as the construction of 31 homes for those in need, the construction of 15 Early Childhood Development (ECD) centres, the construction of 13 bridges, and the distribution of four boats. Other efforts include the distribution of 800 livestock for community farming, provision of medical treatment, water and electricity supply to 327 households, and enhancement of other infrastructures. (End)