Rwanda celebrates 30 years of Liberation Day

The people of Rwanda and their friends from different parts of the continent and beyond have today gathered at Amahoro Stadium to celebrate 30 years of Liberation Day. The ceremony was presided over by Paul Kagame,the President of the Republic of Rwanda and Commander-in-Chief of the Rwanda Defence Force.

A colourful ceremony that brought together thousands of Rwandans and other invited guests was graced by a military parade of the Rwanda Defence Force, along with the Rwanda National Police. The patriotic songs and traditional dances were presented.

In his remarks, President Paul Kagame said that 4th July is a day to remember those who liberated the country and those who sacrificed their lives for the cause. He emphasized that the Rwandan Security Forces have done everything possible to treat all Rwandans with humanity, noting that even today, they remain closely connected to the community through various projects.

President Kagame underscored that Rwandan Security Forces prioritized peace and cooperation rather than provoking conflict. “Rwanda’s security forces has always been defensive, not offensive; we only act when trouble is brought to us. We prioritize cooperation and working together. Rwanda seeks peace for ourselves and everyone; we know the value of peace just as well as everyone else and maybe even more.” Said President Kagame.   

Over the past 30 years since the Rwanda Patriotic Army (RPA) stopped  the 1994 Genocide Against Tutsi, the RDF has made significant contributions to socio-economic transformation through various initiatives. These include constructing/rehabilitating roads, building houses for vulnerable citizens, and Genocide survivors, establishing IDP model villages, schools, health facilities, markets, and bridges. They also provided free medical services to thousands of Rwandans, access to clean water and electricity, and engage in agricultural and environmental protection activities, among others.

Informed by the tragic history of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi and motivated by a strong national belief in the principle of protecting civilians wherever called upon, the RDF has also participated in peacekeeping missions under different United Nations mandates. These include missions in Darfur (UNAMID), South Sudan (UNMISS), and the Central African Republic (MINUSCA).  Rwanda is currently the 4th largest troop-contributing country with over 5,500 troops deployed under UN mandate. Additionally, there are over 6,000 troops under bilateral arrangements, with 3,400 in CAR and 2,500+ in Mozambique.

Alongside various invited guests in attendance, military service chiefs from the region and beyond also participated in the event. These included: Gen Shavendra Silva, Chief of Defence Staff of the Sri Lanka Army; Gen Jacob John Mkunda, Chief of Defence Force (CDF) of the Tanzanian People’s Defence Force (TPDF); Maj Gen James Birungyi, Chief of Defence Intelligence and Security of the Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF); Maj Gen Frederick Leuria, Assistant Chief of Defence Force of the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) in charge of operations and training; and Lt Gen James Koang Chuol, Assistant to the Chief of Defence Forces of the South Sudanese Peoples’ Defence Forces (SSPDF) for training and research. (End)