Rwanda celebrates the World Blood Donor Day

Rwanda joined the rest of the World to celebrate the World Blood Donor Day themed as, “Give Blood and keep the World beating” to raise global awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products for transfusion and highlight the essential contribution that blood donors make to keeping the world pulsating by saving lives and improving others’ health.

Nationally, the World Blood Donor Day was celebrated on June 14, 2021 in Ruhango district; this was selected because is the best performer district for having a big number of blood donors in comparison with other districts in the country.

The Mayor of Ruhango District, Mr. HABARUREMA Valens declared that he was happy that his district hosted the event at national level.

“It is our pleasure and honor to host the World Blood donor day in Ruhango, it has not been by accident, for having selected us to celebrate this day , it is because we have a good number of our population who have a good will to donate blood for saving lives of patients in need in health facilities.” Said Mr. Habarurema

In Rwanda Most transfusion rates are due to: Malaria, pregnancies and birth complication cases, Cancer cases followed by other cases like Road accidents etc. According to the Blood Transfusion annual report 2020. About 288 blood component units are needed every day in Rwanda.

Dr. Swaibu KATARE, Head of Biomedical Services Department in RBC said that disclosed that in the year 47,754 people donated  69,056 blood units collected in 447 blood collection sites. Last year, the demand for blood components from health facilities were 100,935 units. Of these, RBC supplied 93,993 units which is 93.12 % hospital satisfaction.

“With satisfaction of 93.12% does not mean that the remaining 6.88% has been a problem; Rather It means that, a patient has received the remaining blood components units on the following day, or she/he recovered without additional blood.” Dr. Katare Clarified.

Dr. Swaibu KATARE urged any and all people eligible to take time to donate blood in order to  ‘keep the World beating.’

The population of Ruhango district and others from its vicinity ascended to Ruhango sector to donate blood whereby 203 blood units were collected. They disclosed they are proud to donate blood.

Uwambaye Olive from Ruhango sector, Musamo cell testified that her son received blood when he was sick and got recovered. Since then, she became a regular blood donor  .

“In 1992, the epidemic of malaria ravaged our region, and hit particularly children. My son was suffering from malaria and was brought to Nyanza Hospital for treatment, he got a blood transfusion and recovered. He received blood from an unknown blood donor, this triggered me to start donating blood on a regular basis. Now my son has grown up, he is healthy.” Said Uwambaye

To observe measures against the Covid-19 pandemic, activities of the World Blood Donor Day 2021 were limited to a blood donation camp in Ruhango District, and an awarding ceremony to recognizethe top 10 blood donors plus 3 institutions including Rwanda Defence Force, Rwanda Nationnal Police and Rwanda Broadcasting Agency for their role in saving lives through giving blood. (End)