Rwandan Police peacekeepers in Central African Republic conduct Umuganda

On Saturday, June 1, Rwanda Formed Police Unit One (RWAFPU1-10) serving under the UN Multidimensional Stabilization Mission in Central African Republic (MINUSCA) conducted Umuganda.

The peacekeepers alongside residents of the 1st Arrondissement in the capital Bangui, engaged in sanitation, hygiene and environmental protection activities to clean the littered streets, opening clogged drainages and cutting roadside shrubs.

The mayor of the 1st Arrondissement, Martial Bolongo thanked the Rwandan peacekeepers for their human security activities, beyond their peace operation duties, to ensure the wellbeing of the local people.

He also urged the residents to continue working with the peacekeepers in all human security activities.

Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Jean Claude Munyeragwe, the RWAFPU1-10 contingent commander, thanked the residents for the partnership in peacekeeping operations.

Rwanda maintains four Police contingents serving under the UN flag in Central African Republic. (End)