V4CP Director, Emmanuel Niyongira.
By André Gakwaya;
Kigali: “The Voice for Change Partnership Project”, V4CP in Acronym, or “Stories for a Partnership for Change” is a SNV project funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands presented a study on Rwanda’s improvements in the fight against malnutrition, as well as challenges, according to V4CP Director, Emmanuel Niyongira.
“This project is funded from 2016 to 2020 for 5 years for 2.6 million euros. It strengthens the capacities of six Rwandan associations involved mainly in the nutrition and agriculture sector. These associations are Duhamic-ADRI (Association for Integrated Rural Development; ADECOR (Association for the Defense of Rwandan Consumer Rights; the organization of agri-pastoralists called “Imbaraga”; Caritas Rwanda, SUN Alliance for alliance to strengthen nutrition; RDO (Rwanda Development Organization). SNV collaborates with these six organizations in partnership with the US-based International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), “said Niyongira.
He was careful to point out that similar projects are being carried out in other countries such as Burkina Faso, Tanzania, Vietnam, etc.
District vice-mayors, directors of hospitals and health centers, social affairs officers, civil society delegates participated in the presentation of the results of the study. Most of the participants came from four districts Gakenke, Gasabo, Musanze and Nyarugenge.
All made recommendations in line with the commitment of grassroots communities, different actors and partners to eradicate malnutrition in the country.
“The project strengthens the capacities of the associations in order to definitively eradicate malnutrition. Four focuses: SNV believes in improving the diversified and fortified foods that are provided to communities. It is necessary to coordinate the interventions in the communities at the level of descents on ground. You have to give these fortifying and organic fortifying foods. There is a need to increase funding to support nutrition programs. These privileged axes can help eradicate malnutrition, “insisted Niyongira.
“Our advocacy is based on the results and recommendations of this study. You can not advocate without basic scientific evidence. Much has been done by the Government and these partner associations. But there are still other achievements to be achieved or strengthened. In 2005, acute malnutrition was 51% in the country. It was reduced to 38% in 2015. What has been done to reduce acute malnutrition by 13%? We now want to reduce this 38% to 19% in 2024. Special programs of transformation of the country and growth are taking place. And this presented study comes to show the sectors to strengthen in partnership with the NECDP (National Program of development of the early childhood). It’s an initiative that involves commitment, coherence, consistency and community, “said V4CP Project Director, Emmanuel Niyongira.
The results of the study show what has been done and what needs to be strengthened. For advocacy, civil society organizations and Government partners will undertake projects to eradicate malnutrition based on the recommendation of this study.
“We are partners of NECDP, which oversees new policies to eradicate malnutrition. We also made our suggestions. We will play a role in the implementation of these activities. We plan to invite the districts again. The policies are good. This is the implementation that still causes problems. The same commitment at the national level must extend and remain visible at the district, implementing partner level. Most of the recommendations come from national programs to combat malnutrition”, Niyongira said. (End)