Deputy Director General of REMA Faustin Munyazikwiye(Right)
Rwanda is hosting a two days Regional Dialogue on implementation of international climate change decisions on gender. The dialogue brought together National Gender & Climate Change Focal Points, and other stakeholders to share experience on gender consideration in National Climate Action.
“The flooding and landslides our country faced last May showed that women are most vulnerable when it comes to climate change effects. Giving them increased access to resources can reduce vulnerability and create resilient households and communities”, said Deputy Director General of REMA Faustin Munyazikwiye in his remarks.
The heavy rains registered within three consecutive days from 1st to 3rd May caused intensive damages in various parts of the country, particularly the Western province, Northern province and Southern province. The death toll is high, amounting to 131 people dead; 77 injured; and 5 persons missing.
The Dialogue is organised by REMA (Rwanda Environment Management Authority) in collaboration with the UN Climate Change Regional Collaboration Centre for Eastern &Southern Africa. It will reflect on national efforts to enhance gender integration & domesticate international climate change decisions on gender transformation in national climate change action. (End)