Women Police Convention ends with focus on medical awareness, professional policing

The two-day Rwanda National Police (RNP) 13th Women Police Convention concluded on Saturday, August 31, with focus on medical awareness on breast cancer, epidemic diseases such as Mpox, STDs as well as unplanned pregnancy and family planning methods.

Day One elaborated more on family cohesion and gender principles, importance of gender diversity in institutional decision making process; nurturing career path for professionalism and service delivery; and the role of female Police officers in enhancing professionalism and discipline in the force.

The Women Police Convention held annually, brings together the RNP leadership, government officials, partner institutions and female Police officers to discuss matters related to women empowerment, gender promotion and to address challenges that affect female Police officers in the accomplishment of their policing duties.

The Deputy Inspector General (DIGP) in Charge of Administration and Personnel DCG Jeanne Chantal Ujeneza, while closing the convention, said that the platform is also an opportunity for female Police officers to discuss strategies to address challenges they face in fulfilling their policing responsibilities.

“The different lessons acquired during this convention will help you to work efficiently in your daily duties; preventing mistakes, ensuring professionalism, avoiding decisions that might affect your performance like laziness, immoral character, being absent from work, drunkenness and other behaviors that affects the image of the force,” DIGP Ujeneza said. (End)