Paris Saint Germain-Academy Rwanda appoints staff

Paris Saint Germain-Academy have appointed the staff for the soon to be established Paris Saint Germain-Academy Rwanda.

 The staff was appointed following a 3-day workshop with all candidates who were pre-selected for different various in the academy.

 The workshop that was spearheaded by PSG-Academy Head of Coaching Mr Benjamin Houri was aimed at training the candidates on the PSG-Academy methodology.

The candidates were appointed following their performances in both theoretical and practical sessions for the Technical Responsible role as well as coaching roles.

Appointed Staff for PSG-Academy Rwanda

 General Manager: Theonas NDANGUZA

Technical Responsible: Grace NYINAWUMUNTU


1.         Hamida MUREKATETE

2.         Alain MBABAZI

3.         David Rumanzi

4.         Nonde Mohamed (End)