RDF Army Chief of Staff together with CAR’s Army Chief visit Rwandan soldiers under bilateral cooperation

The Rwanda Defence Force (RDF) Army Chief of Staff (ACOS), Major General Vincent Nyakarundi, the Chief of General Staff of the Central African Republic Armed Forces, General Zéphirin Mamadou visited the Rwandan soldiers deployed under the bilateral cooperation between Rwanda and CAR at their headquarters in Bimbo, on the outskirts of Bangui city.

In his address to the soldiers, Major General Nyakarundi conveyed the RDF leadership’s appreciation for their dedicated work away from their families. He emphasized the importance of maintaining effective communication with their families to ensure a good family life. He also encouraged the soldiers to uphold professionalism and discipline in protecting civilians in CAR, just as they do in Rwanda. During an interactive session, the RDF soldiers expressed their happiness about the re-election of President Paul Kagame and reaffirmed their commitment to the effective execution of their assigned tasks in the mission area of CAR.

General Zéphirin Mamadou, the CAR Armed Forces Chief of General Staff, acknowledged the significant contribution of the Rwandan soldiers to CAR’s national security within the framework of the bilateral agreement between the two countries. He highlighted Rwanda’s journey in building its security capabilities following the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi and underscored CAR’s potential to learn from Rwanda in this regard.

He also expressed his gratitude for the efforts of the Rwandan peacekeepers, stating that they are highly appreciated by the people of CAR. “The citizens of this country are pleased whenever they see you, not only those under bilateral cooperation but also those operating under MINUSCA. So, we appreciate your efforts and urge you to continue following the directives provided by our heads of state,” said General Zéphirin Mamadou. (End)