Rwandan peacekeepers teach young girls physical protection skills

Malakal: Rwandan peacekeepers under the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) recently conducted a physical protection training session for over 60 young girls at Malakia Girls Primary School in Malakal. The initiative aimed to empower the students with basic skills to protect themselves in challenging situations, promoting both physical confidence and resilience among the young participants.

Chol Nyok, Director of Malakia Girls Primary School, expressed his gratitude to the Rwandan peacekeepers for their support. “We decided to request Rwandan peacekeepers to help us with these skills because we felt it was important for our girls to have the ability to defend themselves. We want them to grow up feeling confident and safe,” he said.

Lt Col Simon Kabera, the RDF Deputy Defence Spokesperson, emphasized the importance of the initiative. “We don’t train people to go and fight; we train them to defend themselves. We are sister countries, and it is our duty to support each other in creating a safe and secure environment for all, especially the young people who are the future of this nation.”

The training included practical demonstrations and techniques tailored for the girls’ safety. The session highlighted Rwanda’s commitment to fostering peace and security beyond its borders.  (End)

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