AFC/M23 hands over FDR fighters to Rwanda Defence Force

Rubavu: This afternoon, the coalition Alliance Fleuve Congo/March 23 Movement (AFC/M23) officially handed over to the Rwanda Defence Force (RDF) a group of fighters from the FDLR (Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda) who were captured during military operations in Eastern DRC. The handover took place at the Grande Barrière border post in Rubavu district.

The captives include:

1. Brig Gen Jean Baptiste Gakwerere

2. Maj Gilbert Ndayambaje

3. SM Nsabimana August

4. Sgt Mupenzi JMV (escort to Brig Gen Gakwerere)

5. Cpl Sibomana Laurent

6. Cpl Ishimwe Patrick

7. Cpl Ibyimanikora Concorde

8. Cpl Ukwishaka Sadam

9. Cpl Hategekimana Eric

10. Pte Ndayambaje Pascal

11. Pte Rukundo Daniel Desire

12. Pte Ntakirutimana Niyonzima

13. Pte Ndayambaje Fabien

14. Pte Uwiduhaye Gilbert

Preliminary information from the captives indicates their close collaboration with FARDC, Wazalendo, SAMIDRC and the mercenaries. Further findings suggest that FDLR elements have relocated to Walikare, Lubero, Mwenga, etc. However, it is very likely that some FDLR remnants are still hiding within areas currently occupied by M23. (End)

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