L’avocat de Mugesera dénonce des mauvais traitements

Kigali: La défense de Léon Mugesera, un universitaire rwandais extradé du Canada en janvier dernier, dénonce les mauvais traitements dont serait victime l’accusé, actuellement détenu dans une prison de Kigali. Les autorités... Read more »

Ouverture vendredi en Suède d’un premier procès pour génocide

Kigali: La Suède ouvre vendredi 16 novembre son premier procès pour génocide contre un Suédois d’origine rwandaise. Jusqu’ici, la justice à Stockholm s’est gardée de révéler l’identité de l’accusé. Mais l’Agence Hirondelle... Read more »

Les acquittés du TPIR veulent un interlocuteur spécifique

Kigali: Quatre des cinq personnes acquittées par le tribunal pénal international pour le Rwanda (TPIR) ont demandé au président de désigner une chambre spéciale pour écouter leurs doléances et les aider à... Read more »

Rwanda seeking private sector role to raise energy production

Kigali: Rwanda is counting on engaging the private sector to play a major role in the generation of electricity for our manufacturing sector and thereby play a major role... Read more »

“Our target is 1,000 MW by 2017 and supply 70% of households with electricity” – State Minister Isumbingabo

Kigali: The State Minister in charge of Water and Energy, Ms Emme-Françoise Isumbigabo has indicated that Rwanda’s objective is to produce 1,000 MW by 2017 and connect 70% of... Read more »

The three principle responsibilities of EWSA

Kigali: Work continued to draw the general framework for investors in the energy sector. The Director General of EWASA, Mr. Yves Muyange, recalled that while the Ministry of Infrastructure... Read more »

AfDB’s US$24 million to Kivuwatt

Kigali: During the debates at Forum, the Director of Energy within the AfDB noted that the President of this financial institution has placed energy as a strategic program.
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High-performance Technology Company

Kigali: The Chief Executive Officer of ContourGlobal, Bill Berry (picture), introduced participants at the Forum on Energy to achievements and prospects of his innovative company, CountourGlobal, which has the... Read more »

“Invent home-made model for geothermal exploitation” – BTC envoy

The Belgian Technical Cooperation (BTC) Resident Representative, Jean Yves Saliez, was the facilitator for Geothermal Resources group at the Forum. In a Q&A with RNA, the Belgian diplomat believes that Rwanda has... Read more »

When a paediatrician urges investment into energy sector

Kigali: Dr. Caleb King (Picture) has been a medical doctor at Shyira Hospital near Musanze district for 9 years. The facility suffered severe lack of electricity. As he narrated,... Read more »