Le sous-secrétaire d’Etat américain aux affaires africaines attendu à Kigali

Kigali: Le sous-secrétaire d’Etat américain aux affaires africaines Johnnie Carson séjourne sur le continent africain depuis le 17 octobre. Il y restera jusqu’au 26 octobre 2011. Il se rendra en RDC, au... Read more »

Supporting women farmers to boost food production

Kigali: As hunger continues to bite in the East African region and posing a threat to the rest of Africa, Rwanda has developed strong measures to produce more food by supporting women... Read more »

Radio talk shows cautioned over cultural values

Kigali, October 14 (RNA) – Kigali radio stations are being cautioned over the growing vulgarity in their talk shows that are undermining Rwandan values and culture, RNA has established.
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Africans must demand right to a healthy environment

More than 900 delegates from 41 African countries who converged in Kigali for the 3rd Conference on Water and Sanitation in Kigali (AfricaSan3) which took place July 19-21, 2011,... Read more »

Need for innovation in sanitation

On the second day of the Conference, participants moved into six working groups. They discussed various themes - such as: monitoring of sanitation and hygiene emphasising the number of... Read more »

“Rwanda allocates 0.48% of the budget to hygiene and sanitation”- Minister

Rwanda’s State Minister for Energy and Water, Eng. Coletha Ruhamya, indicated to AfricaSun3 delegates that Rwanda is on the verge of achieving the MDGs thanks to the visionary leadership... Read more »

President Kagame urges countries to continue investing in sanitation

It was on the evening of Day Two that President Kagame, who had been unable to launch the Conference due to a busy schedule, that he hosted the 900... Read more »

EA REGION: Concrete commitment to sanitation for all

In the morning of the third day, the countries made presented their regional groupings (West Africa, Eastern, Central, South, and North). It is in this regard that the countries... Read more »

Kigali Declaration for the promotion of sanitation on the continent

The 17 African ministers in charge of sanitation have noted progress in this area, but rural areas are lagging behind. Many countries have made improvements. But they can still... Read more »

Conférence Régionale sur la Banane :

« Nous avons beaucoup d’informations scientifiques pour nos fermiers et nous pourrions même traverser les frontières pour assister les autres. Mais comment donc travailler ensemble ? » - Dr Agnès Karibata.

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