Gasabo demande à Kagame d’aller vite au Village Urugwiro

Gasabo : La dernière journée de la campagne présidentielle 2010 a tourné en une fête gigantesque pour Paul Kagame, le candidat du Front Patriotique Rwandais (FPR) et les dizaines de... Read more »

Biruta fires at opposition politicians, foreign critics, BBC

Party President and Presidential Candidate; Vincent Biruta and Jean Damascene Ntawukuriryayo at the Nyamirambo rally (Photo: Gaaki Kigambo)

Kigali: PSD chair and Senate President Dr Vincent Biruta... Read more »

Mukabaramba Alvera: “I will not join any coalition” even after elections

Kigali: Female presidential candidate Mukabaramba Alvera says she gave up her votes to President Paul Kagame in 2003, but is not planning to do anything like come Monday– even with any other... Read more »

DAY NINETEEN: Campaigns end with RPF-PSD in Kigali

Kigali; Two of the top contenders for the Monday polls PSD and RPF are in Kigali – as the race they make final pledges. PPC and PL are out of town.

... Read more »

More dramatic exchanges as political parties hold 2nd debate

Kigali: Is the gap between the rich and poor reducing or increasing?; Are the mammoth crowds attending RPF rallies being forced against their will?; How man people have access to... Read more »

Le show musulman devant Kagame à Nyamirambo

Kayonza – Rwamagana – Nyamarambo : A jour J-3 des élections présidentielles les habitants du district de Nyarugenge massés sur la place appelée « Tapis rouge » de Nyamirambo ont accueilli triomphalement... Read more »

Le PPC entend moderniser l’agriculture

Kigali : « Nous ferons de notre mieux pour développer le secteur agricole en achetant des machines ultra modernes et en utilisant très peu d’agriculteurs », a promis la candidate du Parti... Read more »

Kagame writes to his supporters on “progress” achieved

Kigali: I stand today honored and more proud than ever to serve a people that have shown extraordinary determination, courage and hard work. As we near the end of the campaign, I... Read more »

Is Kagame headed for more seven years in Urugwiro? (News analysis)

Kigali: A murdered opposition politician and journalist, as well fierce attacks from rights groups will not keep President Paul Kagame from winning a second term next week - or to slow the... Read more »

DAY EIGHTEEN: RPF-PPC in Kigali, PL-PSD head for South

Kigali: A coincidence? Not really! But the four contenders for the August 09 poll will be campaigning in the same areas as they race to search for some of the last votes.

... Read more »