Scientists discover source of trauma in Genocide survivors

Kigali: Scientists have established a link between the genetic state of Genocide survivors and the levels of trauma they experience – finally explaining why some survivors are prone to severe trauma than... Read more »

Les féticheurs entretiennent la haine plus que la santé

Kigali: Dans les villages rwandais, les gens préfèrent souvent consulter les féticheurs lorsqu'ils sont malades et n'aller dans les hôpitaux que lorsque leur état est grave. Ces guérisseurs leur coûtent cher, prétendent... Read more »

New HIV awareness drive targets prisoners

Kigali: Rwandan health authorities have embarked on a campaign to sensitize the country's prisoners - considered high risk for HIV – on how to protect themselves from contracting and transmitting the virus.

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Un club de football féminin pour combattre les maladies non transmissibles

Certaines des joueuses du club féminin de football « Imanzi » de Kanombe avant le match

Kigali: Teint clair et de taille bien élancée, toute svelte, posée... Read more »

Ex-presidential candidate Mukabaramba’s clinic closed

Kigali: Due to what the Kigali city authorities described as terrible hygienic conditions, the clinic of former presidential candidate Dr. Alivera Mukabaramba - who is now a Senator, has been closed completely,... Read more »

Efforts to Contain HIV/AIDS Among Teens Slacken

Kigali: Eighteen-year-old David Kimenyi* is sure he infected his girlfriend with HIV. They had unprotected sex many times, even after he discovered he was HIV-positive.

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Malaria drugs in Africa found defective (Report)

Not only are the Malaria drugs still reaching too few, the report found that up to 40 percent of the key anti-malarial drug sold in the three... Read more »

World Bank excited over new low-cost health plan

Kigali: The World Bank has described as “gratifying” a government health formula which rewards doctors and nurses with incentives for reducing child and mother deaths in their health centers, RNA reports.

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Les homosexuels défendent leurs droits souvent bafoués

Kigali: Au Rwanda, le nouveau Code pénal en cours de révision ne criminalise plus l'homosexualité. Mais les droits des gays et lesbiennes, qui disent ne suivre que leur penchant naturel, ne sont... Read more »

New malaria vaccine promises to save children

Kigali: A new vaccine showed promise at protecting young children from malaria, offering a potential new weapon against a disease that kills at least 1 million people each year, U.S. researchers said... Read more »