Swine flu cases up 25 in five days

Kigali: From 14 confirmed cases of people with the H1N1 virus by Monday evening, the number has almost doubled but health officials told RNA the situation is under control, as of Tuesday... Read more »

Study dismisses World Bank, IMF conditions on health sector

Kigali: Given sufficient training and support, Rwandan nurses can safely and effectively prescribe antiretroviral therapy (ART) to patients with HIV, according to new research, but rolling out this program has been made... Read more »

Mother and two children confirmed with Swine flu

Two girls pass through the King Faisal security with masks on them. Nobody is being allowed into the hospital unless they have the protection

Kigali: The... Read more »

Swine flu hits 75 in Uganda

Kigali: Uganda is in the midst of a spreading swine flue with the country now registering 75 laboratory confirmed cases, 38 of which are from schools and the remaining 37 from the... Read more »

First Lady pleads for mothers, children

Kigali: First Lady Jeannette Kagame on Wednesday said “it is heartbreaking” that many mothers and children continue to die from preventable illnesses, RNA reports.

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La dépression affecte plus d’un quart de Rwandais

Kigali: Quinze ans après le génocide des tutsi au Rwanda, des recherches sur la prévalence de désordres causés par le stress durant la période post-traumatique (Prevalence of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder :PTSD)... Read more »

“Kanyanga” kills 40 in Uganda

Some forty (40) people have been killed in a few days by a locally made spirit known in Uganda as waragi, and as Kanyanga in Rwanda, reports say.

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« Presque tous les cas de choléra ont été maîtrisés »

A Bukavu – province du Sud Kivu (RDC) – juste à quelques kilomètres de Kamembe au Rwanda, plus de 7000 cas sont dénombrés avec plus... Read more »

Environ 20% de mères séropositives enceintes ont cessé de prendre les ARV

Kigali: 5 à 10% des femmes non enceintes n’ont pas bien pris leurs médicaments, tandis que  15 à 20% de femmes en grossesse ont été irrégulières dans la consommation de ceux-ci, selon... Read more »

Cholera infections hit 49, Congo river blamed

Western Province: Rusizi district in western Rwanda is grappling with a possible cholera epidemic as some 49 people were confirmed to be carrying the infection by Monday evening, RNA report.

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