Southern Province: People living in areas of southern Rwanda are prone to have diabetes than counterparts from the east because the southerners seem to take some essential foods for granted or do... Read more »
Kigali: La culture rwandaise a toujours prêché une distanciation face à un malade mental. « Un malade mental est, jusqu’à l’heure actuelle, plus stigmatisé qu’un tuberculeux alors que ce dernier est le... Read more »
Kigali: Schistomiasis or bilharzia caused by exposure to snails and living around large water bodies could cause cancer if it is not treated immediately, a workshop heard Thursday in Kigali.
Read more »Kigali: When life becomes difficult in poor suburbs of Kigali City, vulnerable groups find it even harder to make ends meet. But, if the have-nots generally live in hardships in town where... Read more »
Kigali: A Canadian company is delivering cheap generic HIV/Aids drugs to Rwanda on this week after going through a gruesome bureaucratic process and it says this shipment may be the last. However,... Read more »
GLH 513: La charge mondiale du paludisme reste énorme, mais que l’accès aux interventions de la lutte antipaludique, notamment les moustiquaires en Afrique, s’est fortement amélioré entre 2004 et 2006, constate un... Read more »