Kagame supporters write back after personal letter

Let the impressive numbers, high morale and joyful energy at the just concluded RPF rallies be proof of our utmost pride in your inspirational leadership. We trust your intentions, believe your vision, the reason we follow your direction.

Chairman sir, the fan base was extremely touched by your letter of appreciation. For this we pledge our continued support to your leadership. We are totally committed to the new Rwanda cause for which you are the champion, pledging to consolidate with you the tremendous gains so far made in building this good country. And we share your ambition of integrating it fully in the region, to fully exploit our economic potential.

Mr President, your focused zeal to develop this nation gives us great hope that Rwanda is indeed assured of a future deserving of its children. For now you are the best bet, by far, to retake up the task of leading us.

As you rightly observed, leading a nation is a huge responsibility, not to be entrusted with anybody, least those bent on re-dividing our nation, to scatter our efforts.

Under your mentorship and leadership, the nation has witnessed terrific economic recovery and development.

Using the dividends, good public infrastructure has been put in place, people’s welfare improved and formerly marginalised groups such as women, youth and Muslims have been empowered.

We believe you whenever you say this is just the beginning, that ’Rwandans are yet to see your best output’.

It is this belief in your ways, performance levels and dedication that hold together our esteem, pride and dignity as a people with a mission to continue rebuilding Rwanda.

For Rwanda to be what it is now – an African success story – your contribution has been central, and key is retention of your position if we are to sustain momentum.

We are proud to have been part of the positive change, encouraged massively by the prospect our generation shall witness our nation turn into a middle-income economy, and be here to enjoy the fruits. To this end we say ’you’re yet to see our best support’.

The fans extend sincere appreciation to your beautiful, lively and receptive family for being part of this campaign success. Thanks to the campaign trail, we were able to understand what partly keeps you top of issues – a warm family. We hope to continue this joint effort to transform Rwanda into the best it can be.

To your leadership, we pledge our continued support and sincere commitment. This Fan Club (www.mykagame.org) continue to be a platform for your supporters to interact and share ideas to positively impact on Rwanda’s development.

You motivate and inspire us, endlessly. Long live.

From your supporters