Kamonyi: Motorcyclist arrested over attempted bribery

Kamonyi: A taxi-moto operator was arrested last Friday after he tried bribing a traffic Police officer. Olivier Ndacyayisenga attempted to give a bribe of Rwf30, 000 to the officer in charge so he could bail his motorcycle, which had been impounded over traffic related offences.

Chief Inspector of Police (CIP) Sylvestre Twajamahoro, the Police Spokesperson for the Southern region, said that Ndacyayisenga was earlier ‘found riding without a permit and his motorcycle in a dire state.’

“A traffic Police officer on duty stopped Ndacyayisenga and required him to produce his driver’s license, which he didn’t have. When the officer conducted visual check, he found that the motorcycle had no functioning lights, so it was impounded,” said CIP Twajamahoro.

“Instead of following the legal process, he called the officer and requested to meet but the officer suspected something illegal and informed his superiors. Indeed Ndacyayisenga was caught red-handed giving the Rwf30, 000 to the officer.”

He advised motorists to respect traffic rules and regulations, as well as go through the legal process when they are penalized. Taking criminal shortcuts, like giving bribes, may lead to an arrest and eventually having to face the law.

According to Article 4 of the Law on Fighting Against Corruption, any person who offers, solicits, accepts or receives, by any means, an illegal benefit for himself/herself or another person in order to render or omit a service under his or her mandate, commits an offence.

Upon conviction, the offender is liable to imprisonment for a term of more than five years but not more than seven years, with a fine of three to five times the value of the illegal benefit solicited or received. (End)