Bugesera: 46,500 habitants in Bugesera District will benefit from safe water supply systems inaugurated this Wednesday.
Today, Rwanda’s Minister of Infrastructure Dr. Jimmy Gasore officiated the inauguration of Mwogo-Juru Water Supply system in Bugesera District.
The 49km water project serves 46,500 habitants of Mwogo, Juru sectors, a milestone achieved under the partnership of Government of Rwanda and WaterAid Rwanda.
“Today marked a milestone in Bugesera District. In collaboration with Bugesera District and Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC) Group, we proudly launched the Mwogo-Juru Water Supply System. It was a great honor to have Dr. Jimmy Gasore from the Minister of Infrastructure joined us for the inauguration” said WaterAid Rwanda via X(ex-Tweeter).
Faustin Bizamana, a resident, expressed happiness that the development will improve the living conditions of the people. “We use unclean water fetched from two kilometers away. Besides travelling a long distance, we also have to queue,” he said, adding that the new water project will save him money spent on unsafe water from a swamp.
In July 2023, Rwanda joined WaterAid to launch a five –years Country Programme Strategy, 2023-2028, aiming at catalyzing change for a coordination action towards a healthy and dignified life, through sustainable and gender-responsive water, sanitation and hygiene for all Rwandans.
WaterAid is a renowned International Non- Profit organization, with a mission to make clean water, decent toilets, and proper hygiene the norm for everyone, everywhere, within a generation.
Since its inception in 1981 in the UK, WaterAid has been working in Rwanda, as a partner in WASH Sector, since 2010. (End)