The President of the Senate, Dr. Kalinda Francois Xavier, together with Vice Senate Presidents Nyirahabimana Solina and Mukabaramba Alvera welcomed the Ambassador of Turkey to Rwanda, Aslan Alper Yüksel.
The discussions focused on the strengthening of bilateral relations between Rwanda and Turkey, exploring methods to enhance these ties, and establishing parliamentary diplomacy mechanisms between the two countries’ parliaments.
“We focused on the rapidly developing bilateral relations between Turkey and Rwanda, and we have also evaluated the prospects for the future. We are both pleased that these are offering us the potential for our mutual benefits.” Aslan Alper Yüksel said.
“We exchanged views on the Parliamentary diplomacy. We commit to establishing a Parliamentary Friendship Group on the side of Rwanda to engage in dialogue and cooperation with their counterparts of the Parliament of Turkey.” Senate President Kalinda Francois Xavier said.
Bilateral relations between Rwanda and Turkey have grown fast since Rwanda opened an Embassy in Ankara in 2013, and Turkey opened its Embassy in Kigali in December 2014. Permanent political dialogue is maintained through diplomatic representations in both capitals and the exchange of high-level and technical visits through business missions.
Both countries partner through different agreements in various domains including but not limited to culture and education, trade, investment and security cooperation. (End)